What were your drinking #habits like? We got ALL of our #statistics FROM our #livestream and Livechats,
every Friday and Sunday at 7pm Eastern, 4pm Pacific.
Every livestream we ask anonymous #poll questions to our audience, so…
Thats even more of a reason to swing by right?
(This is the script read from episode 130 of "Getting Sober...Again". Watch the 5 minute episode down below!)
76% of viewers
report having better #health since getting sober.
Including myself!
When I first started my current #sobriety streak
over 1 year ago,
my blood pressure was 160/90.
And after just 30 days of sobriety
my blood pressure went down to 120/70
40% of YOU reported losing 15 OR MORE POUNDS since quitting #alcohol.
Fun fact, did you know that there are 145 calories in a budweiser,
And still a whopping 114 calories in a bud light?
A can of coke has 139 calories…what’s so light about light beers?
86% of people reported quitting drinking
because of health problems
Speaking of health problems
Did you know
that one of the leading causes of preventable death is
Cardiovascular disease.
both have a negative impact on your heart health?
We found out that 71% of people say
they smoke cigarettes when they drink alcohol
And 90% of you said that
you were making other #toxic decisions while #intoxicated
80% said that
they were addicted to at least one other thing IN ADDITION to alcohol.
Do you feel like it’s maybe too late to start getting sober?
73% of people said that they'd thought to themselves “it’s too late to start getting #sober” 73%
81% of participants said they have been drinking for 10+ years
Whether it’s investing your money,
Your time,
Or investing in yourself
the best day to start anything was yesterday,
and the next best day to start is today!
And if today happens to be the day that you feel inspired to start your sobriety journey,
Head over to our website www.gettingsoberagain.com
Tell us what day you got sober
And we will shout you out on your next sober milestone of 30 days,
60 days, 90 days, 6 months or 1 or more years!
Does feeling like failure has
kept you from finding the success you’re looking for?
It took 50% of our viewers 8 or more times
of trying to get sober,
before actually making the commitment to finally quit drinking.
And with that in mind 80% of people
said that they failed within the first week
of trying to get sober.
50% of people said that they tried 10+ times
Just to get sober for 24 hours.
Now, what about the holidays and our family?....
80% of people said
that they typically had 5 or more drinks on holidays
70% of people said
That they felt guilty about missing quality time during the holidays,
because they were too hungover to participate.
Nearly 20% of viewers said that
They still haven’t told their family members
that they decided to get sober
73% of viewers report
that they are expecting to be around alcoholic relatives
during the holidays.
81% of you said that there was at least one person in your life
that would benefit from sobriety
And 62% of you said that it was a family member
45% of people don’t personally know anyone who is sober.
So where is the support for sobriety?
97% of our viewers said that
they are NOT currently going to #AA meetings
And more than 90% of viewers
said that they were NOT in #therapy.
96% percent of you said that THIS channel was beneficial to their sobriety!
And 100% of you said that
THIS community makes you feel less lonely…
during your sobriety journey
I feel the same way!
Alright moving on!
85% of people report
Trying to drink in moderation BEFORE quitting completely
60% of people said that
They were thinking about getting sober for over a year…
Before finally making the commitment
48% of people said they started drinking between the ages of 14-17
44% of you considered yourselves binge drinkers
93% said they drove a car drunk
96% said they HAVE blacked out while drinking
And 46% of people reported
having gotten either a DUI, DWI or OVI….
Does that stress you out?
Well guess what….
90% of people report feeling LESS STRESS now that they are sober.
And 90% of people are feeling less DEPRESSED
93% of people report waking up feeling more refreshed
since getting sober
96% of former drinkers report having more ambition after quitting alcohol.
And 100% of those that answered our polls said
that they felt more disciplined now that they have quit drinking
SO….tell us
In what ways have your lives improved…since quitting alcohol
And with that I want to wish you GOOD luck on your sobriety journey
And I will see you IN the next video.