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(Episode 127) “The 10 BIG Benefits of Being ONE YEAR SOBER”

Writer's picture: Jae AndresJae Andres

Updated: Jan 15, 2022

Official Script for Episode 127: “The 10 BIG Benefits of Being ONE YEAR SOBER”

Written, Produced, Filmed, Edited, and Starring Jae Andres.

*Pose for camera*

ALRIGHT Welcome back to getting sober...again

Youtube's fastest growing and friendliest community


My name is jae

And today

I’m celebrating


*Bows and waves*

It is now time for The moment you’ve all been waiting for:


of being sober for 1 year!

Remember, these are my personal results and observations

And results may vary!

#1, I look WAY BETTER! A year ago

I looked like I was having an allergic reaction to my life.**

And who’s to say I wasn’t. Over the course of 1 year I went from 175lbs down to 155lbs.

I’ll be 40 this year,

And now that I’m looking better

I often get mistaken for someone at least 2 years younger**


#2. Less agitated and irritable.**

Of course irritating things are still irritating. **

But now I can more easily brush off irritating situations,

and ask myself simple mental health questions such as:

Does this actually have anything to do with me?

Do I need to take this personally?

And my favorite: Is this MY problem or THEIR problem?**

There’s already enough life distractions to go around.

Take pride in taking the high road…

*whisper* there’s way less people on the high road!

#3 I love me again

From the first time a crush or relative asked


We started carrying what became a large collection of chips on our shoulders.

After going through awkward teen years,

Trying to fit in at college parties,

And coping to overcome imposter syndrome while…

trying to enter the professional world….

It can be easy to lose track of who you are,

What matters to you,

And what’s truly important.

Somewhere along the line we traded in our superhero card,

And maybe instead dreamt of being president,

Or a famous athlete.

Maybe a singer,

An actor, *show I am wrath*

And slowly we continued to lower the bar,

Our hopes,

Our dreams,

And our expectations for our own life.

We drank to enhance good times,

Numb the Bad times,

And to deal with anytime in between.

After being a year sober,

I was finally able to check off a very important destination

along my journey into sobriety

and to be able to say “I love me”...AGAIN.**

Along my journey I met a woman who’s husband was struggling with alcoholism.

When she got to her breaking point with him,

she said to him:

I can only love you as much as you love yourself.

Think about how difficult we’ve made it

for people to love us,

Simply because we weren’t loving ourselves.

#4 I’ve become generally more optimistic* *mmhmmm yep

Either you’re a glass half full person,

or a glass half empty.

But it becomes pretty easy

to stop believing in yourself,

When the most recent resume of your life,

Looks like a shoe box full of bar tabs.**

After we create enough distance between us

and toxic,

embarrassing behaviors

We can get to sleep a little easier at night

knowing that the Mr.Hyde to our Dr.Jeckyl,

Hasn’t been seen...for awhile.

And when we wake up the next morning,

We aren’t worried about

what we may have done

or said

the night before,

Who we might have been with,

or how much money we thought we should have

in our bank accounts. **

When you start to add up the small and incremental changes,

Over the span of a year,

A Future you that you can be excited about,

starts to become a reality,

Because current you,

has consistently eliminated the old habits

of past you.

And after all,

what better way

to get rid of a pessimistic outlook on life,

But by simply

getting out of the way of your own blessings?

#5 More gratitude!

I have way more gratitude for life

instead of feeling so dismal

and constantly saying things like:

“whats the point?”

“Who cares”

“Everything sucks”

When I remember phrases like

“highs are just as unsustainable as lows are undesirable”

It helps me to remember that every moment

isn’t supposed to be a highlight reel.

And that all of the positive things that I have in my life currently,

Is something that I prayed, wished, and hoped for at some point.

Never take anything for granted.

If you woke up pain free,

With a roof over your head,

Food in your refrigerator,


And people like AND love you….

You’ve already won the lottery.

So start acting like it!

To think, of all of life's possibilities,

You could have been a tree, a weed or a butterfly,

But you get to experience life

as a human being

with free will.

Are you grateful yet?

#6 More maturity: mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially.

Let’s face it,

sobriety alone fixes nothing individually.

Think of sobriety as removing the thorn from your own proverbial side.

When we make a mature decision to face life head on….

To be present...

We take on a level of accountability

which we had pawned off repeatedly onto tomorrow.

We like to say that intoxication

is like charging today's ambitions to the credit card of your own future.

Everyday, more and more literal and figurative debt

piles up and compounds

Into a crippling amount of existential debt

That you feel

like you mentally have to bankrupt yourself out of.

Which of course you can’t do, alive….

So you choose the next best...worst tool….

Alcohol and addiction.

Sobriety made me feel like I was able to work

first, second AND third shift!

To finally get caught up on

the people, places and things in my life

that are most important.

#7 Lucky #7….


When I got to the end of my “drinking career”,

I finally built up the courage

to ask myself a very big and important question

Which was


Turns out I was wasting roughly $1000 a month. Conservative estimates put me at around $600 per month.

Either way, IT WAS A LOT

And of course,

the more I drank,

the less... I wanted to work. It was getting to the point that

I was only taking clients and jobs

where it wouldn’t be looked down upon

if I were drinking “on the clock”

I found a way to surround myself with enablers,

who also wanted to be enabled because…

Misery loves company.

Using the quitzilla app, and the formula of wasting $30/day,

To date, I have saved $8000 on Alcohol, partying, going out, shitty foods, you name it.

I’ve since,

used that money and reinvested in myself….

my business….

And have had the best financial years!

I’ve accomplished the most that I ever have,

In my 1 year of sobriety,

And am excited

to see what Year 2 has in store for me?

#8 Inspiring others

Since starting this channel 3 years ago,

It took me 2 very public detours

to recalibrate my sober journey

and finally get 1 year of consecutive sobriety.

In year 1&2 of this channel we managed to get about 200-300 subscribers.

But when I finally decided to take my sobriety seriously

We went from 400 subscribers

All the way to to 8000 subscribers!

For an increase of 2000%


Our videos have been seen a half million times,

And have racked up thousands of comments.


There isn’t a day that goes by that someone doesn’t reach out

Via comment, email, snail mail or our website,

To let us know that this content has either changed their lives,

Or saved their lives.

And THAT, is what it’s all about.

And I give god the glory!

On top of that, my mom is also now over 7 months sober,

And some of my close friends

are also now at

or surpassed

6 months sober as well.

In the beginning of this channel

we barely had anyone reporting as little as a week sober,

Myself included.

Now, we are regularly celebrating

people getting 30, 60, 90 days sober,

6 months sober

and 1 or more years sober.

And we are the only community that celebrates your sobriety!

To get you free sobriety shout out on your next sobriety milestone

Sign up on our website at

# 9 I feel JOY again

It’s easy to watch the world crumbling around you

While cracking open another bottle

To numb the pain of your own self induced nightmare.

And I know that some of you

had things happen to you

That you didn’t ask for,

and wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy

One of the things I really hoped would happen for me,

And I’m happy to say that it did,

Was that I feel happy,

More often!

Which is not to say I feel happy all the time,

Or OFTEN, **

But it is certainly MORE often than it previously had been.

Simple things like cleaning up the house,

Going for a walk or bike ride.

Meal prepping,

Going to the gym,

Playing tennis,

Calling friends and family on the phone

Excited to talk about life improvements,

instead of dramatic reasons why things are still going wrong.

Now when people ask how I’m doing,

Instead of saying things like:

Another day in paradise,

Or living the dream,

I can actually and honestly say that:

I am living my best life, and life has never been better.


I feel like I could go on and on,

but of course nobody likes videos any longer than they should be!

*awkward face*

So let’s treat this like the grand finale of a firework display

and go out with a bang: Shall we?

Here’s a list of positive improvements

that I’ve also observed over the past year!

  • I’m way less thirsty

  • More inner peace

  • Less impulsive behavior

  • More discipline

  • Saying yes to more beneficial life experiences

  • Saying no to life distractions

  • More time in the day

  • More clients

  • More time to take naps

  • Better reputation

  • Less Fear of missing out

  • I smile more

  • I’m happier

  • I’m more connected to my inner child

  • More inspired

  • More Present

  • Healthier hair

  • Healthier skin

  • Improved memory

  • More Stamina

  • I’m stronger

  • Faster gym recovery time

  • No more cold hands or feet

  • I go to bed excited to wake up the next day

  • I Never worry about getting pulled over anymore

  • I wake up at a normal productive human time

And lastly, life is just more manageable now.

Goals seem more realistic.

I believe in myself now more than ever.

After a certain amount of time,

people start to notice that you’re genuinely making the effort,

To improve your life.

People start to trust you again,

Because, YOU start to trust you again.

When you start looking for the truth,

You must be prepared to accept the answers.

good , bad or otherwise.

Know that you’re probably a little behind in life.

But life isn’t over.

And YOU aren’t limited to the mistakes of your past.

In Conclusion:

A large Part of my success for getting 1 year sober

is that I No longer participate in activities

or hang out with people that will lead to temptation

or that may sabotage my sobriety journey.

I will say,

that MOST of the positive things

I had hoped for out of sobriety,

Actually came true.

And YES, it IS worth it.

There were certainly 2 very trying times during the first year of sobriety,

one of which was at around 3 months.

Once sobriety became “easy”,

Around 3 months,

and I started to come down off of the high of sober life.

I knew that I had some very real work to do.

I knew that I had some apologies to make,

A reputation to mend,

And more than a few bills to get caught up on.

It was time to be accountable.

To do the real work,

And steer the ship into slow change.

It was time to work on my own sobriety montage,

To keep myself motivated,

As if someone, someday,

Were going to watch to story of my life,

Or at least have to listen to it on youtube.**

Between months 7-9 I had a particularly hard time,

But looking back at it,

it was simply because I flat out

Wasn’t used to working this hard on anything.

When the going got tough,


Or high…


#self sabotage.

But once we got into the “championship rounds” so to speak,

Months 10-11-12,

I started to become truly acclimated to my new normal.

I started getting used to seeing money in my bank account,

I started getting used to the positivity from my friends,

family, and online community.

It was as if the universe

was waiting just long enough

to see if I would Mess things up...again.

In terms of the Cons of being 1 year sober,

the only one that really comes to mind

is that I thought I would have

neverending youthful energy. **

I kept imagining I would turn Super Sayan like in dragonball Z

But then i remembered,

I would get tired and have to take a nap when I was a kid.

And I was sober then…

Except I was probably hopped up on sugar,


We’re supposed to get tired,

we’re human, not machines.

And now that I’m not artificially stimulated,

Or sedated...

Getting to settle into a circadian rhythm

is more than OK with me.

The fear of missing out is always going to be something

that people will have to manage.

As they have to try and navigate

being comfortable in their own skin

In public.


as we remember,

is one of the main reasons why we drank.

But when we reevaluate

WHAT IT IS that we want out of life,

We come to conclusions such as:

Yeah, I don’t really like going to crowded bars

or night clubs.

I kind of had to poison myself,

literally and figurately, *LIT& FIG”

To even consider going to those places.

So guess what….

Now you don’t have to do stuff,

Or hang out with people,

that you don’t really want to anymore.

Your family is still going to be your family,

and I know holidays for some of you

are reason enough to drink.

But keep this in mind:

You may be the only sober relative

or friend

that they have.

And you never know WHO you’re going to inspire with YOUR sobriety.

So with that, I want to cordially invite you

to get your free sobriety shout out FROM US

at our website

There’s a link in the video description down below

Make sure you stop by for our Sober Weekend Livestream and Livechat

every Friday & Sunday at 7pm Eastern 4pm Pacific.

And don’t forget to set your notifications to “ALL”,

Seriously, how else

are you going to get the notification when we go live?**

If you like this video, Give it a thumbs up, and don’t forget to leave a comment!

If your sobriety is important to you, make sure to subscribe,

And tell someone else about the work we’re doing here

Pretty please?

And with that,

I want to wish you good luck on your sobriety journey,

And I will see you IN the next video


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