Our Mission
Getting Sober...Again is Youtube's Fastest Growing and Friendliest community for NO JUDGEMENT SOBRIETY! We explore sobriety with Psychology, Philosophy, Humor, Humility and Practical wisdom to provide our supporters with a very REAL and GENUINE approach towards a more balanced and Sober Life. We practice what we preach, and that's Positivity! We practice being transparent, vulnerable, and the truest version of ourselves while we strive to be the BEST versions of ourselves.
As the name suggests, it's often not the case that we are attempting sobriety for the first time. What I've learned from my own Sobriety Journey and the Journey of the thousands of members of our community is that everyone will go through a series of struggles and successes.
With our channel "Getting Sober...Again", we hope to inspire, motivate, educate and humor anyone who is ready to pack up and set sail into the unfamiliar waters of sobriety for the first time, or for the 100th time. We WILL succeed...TOGETHER!
our HOST

jae andrÉs
Host & Creator of "Getting Sober...Again"
In November of 2018 I finally got the courage to say NO to alcohol...again. I decided that my present for that upcoming Christmas was to BE present. My choices were to either go to Alcoholics Anonymous, or to be the complete opposite of Anonymous and go public with my story and struggles on YouTube.
...and a channel was born
-Artist, Photographer, Videographer, Wrong Righter, Word Writer, Comedian, Director, Son, Friend, Former Step Dad, and current Cat Dad.
-Has never formally been hired by any job that required a cover letter.
random facts:
sober goals:
To have better health, wealth, and growth: mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially.
To reconnect with my inner child and experience true joy.
To let my light shine to Inspire and Motivate those who seek a better path.
To live my best life and be able to say "Life has never been better!"
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